If Hong Kong were a person, this means his/her value system (Venus) runs contrary to his/her need for transcendence and self-denial (Neptune ). This inherent conflict, however, could often trigger innate feelings of rejection and isolation (Chiron) in the person. Nevertheless, this t-square, however negative it may sound on the surface, also gives the person the capacity to be compassionate, to sacrifice his/her personal interests, leading to much healing for both self and others.
The disastrous fire that broke out in Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok in late November coincided with the exact conjunction of transitting Saturn to Hong Kong ’s Chiron. One thing of note was, not only were many residents killed, wounded or left homeless by the fire, hawkers in the area also soon felt isolated, unfairly criticized and vilified by the media, the Government and the community at large. All these are feelings typically associated with Chiron.
Transitting Saturn gives us the chance to look at this conflict embedded in Hong Kong ’s chart, i.e. the conflict between personal values/interests and the compassionate ideal held by the larger community. This could result in lots of hurt and feelings of alienation, but hopefully this could also lead to much healing and genuine compassion.
Important periods are as follows:
Transitting Saturn conjunct Chiron: November-December 2011, April-May 2012 and August-September 2012
Transitting Saturn square Neptune : December 2011-March 2012, September-October 2012
Transitting Saturn square Venus: October-November 2012
As Venus rules Hong Kong’s second house (in Taurus) and seventh house (in Libra), Hong Kong’s current approaches to the city’s resources and money matters as well as to one-to-one relations (including those seen as our competitors and allies) will undergo a reality check and even “tightening” too, as represented by Saturn.
Another important theme in Hong Kong ’s 2012 is that transitting Neptune will square Hong Kong ’s Pluto in these periods: April-August 2012, February-April 2013 and August 2013-February 2014. This could mean "free-floating fear" or that total changes will begin even before we realize what is happening. Since Hong Kong's Pluto is in the 8th house and rules this house too, such changes or fears could especially affect the banking and financial sector.
2012 is going to be a dramatic year for Hong Kong and the world. Embracing change is the best way to handle it. May joy, peace and wisdom be with us all always!
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