The sudden death of the famous American singer Whitney Houston has become headline news across the globe. In reviewing her life, the media has not only discussed her artistic achievements, but has also focused on her drug abuse history. Could her chart tell us anything about this?
I would say Neptune and the sign Pisces are pretty significant in her chart. To start with, her Ascendant is in Pisces, conjoined by Chiron which stands for a sense of rejection and alienation. From this we could guess Whitney felt rejected and wounded right from the very start of her life, as if somehow she just did not fit in with the rest of the world, and this feeling could continue to plague her later on in life, no matter how confident she looked or how successful she had became.
Meanwhile, her Sun and Venus are conjunct in Leo. This explains why her creativity and vocal style were so radiant and even theatrical. Anyone who has heard her songs must have felt blown away by her huge voice.
However, her Sun and Venus are opposite Saturn too. This indicates, despite appearances, she could have heard a cold, nagging voice inside herself (or when externalized, through others) that constantly criticized, as if she were never "good enough". Now perhaps we could understand why one of her greatest hits was called "The Greatest Love of All" which prizes self-love above all others.
But when positively deployed, this Sun-Venus-Saturn energy could also give her strict discipline and the capacity to put her talents to productive use.
Her chart ruler, Neptune, is in Scorpio in the eighth house, forming a T-square with both Sun-Venus and Saturn. This means through Neptunian activities, she could release the tension generated by her constant self-nagging.
Obviously, Whitney had found an outlet of tension for her rather poor self-image through singing and dancing - and most likely through drugs too.
Since her cause of death is still uncertain, we cannot tell if drugs had anything to do with this. Whatever the case, it was a great pity that a great singer like that passed away so young.
Among the three outer planets, i.e. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, I think Neptune is the hardest to deal with, even harder than Pluto which most people are so scared of. It is because the challenges presented by Uranus and Pluto are relatively "concrete". You will know at least what you are fighting against. But Neptune is the very opposite of being "concrete". It is like battling against water!
Moreover, since by definition Neptune stands for an escapist tendency, it is very, very hard for people to look at themselves honestly and become consciously aware of when and how they are trying to escape from something! If you do not even know, how could you address it?
So what is the true solution to Neptune ? How to bring out its best qualities without the negatives? Here, we come back to our old friend - Saturn, which stands for discipline, hard work and realism.
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