
How we have made choices

Transiting Saturn is also affecting Hong Kong this year, since it is opposing Hong Kong’s natal Saturn and the most exact time will be around September and October this year.

Whenever transiting Saturn is making a “hard” aspect (conjunction, square or opposition) to our natal Saturn, how we have handled our responsibility is being checked. If we have indeed made the required efforts and taken up our own responsibility, we will be awarded; otherwise, what we have built up in the area indicated by our natal Saturn may collapse completely.

As every Hongkonger knows, the SAR was “born” at , July 1, 1997. Saturn is in Aries in the first house.

Saturn in the first house usually means that the individual feels inadequate in dealing with the outside world, often comparing himself/herself unfavourably with others. This is indicated by the fact that Hong Kong, since the handover, has constantly compared itself to many other cities and feared it is lagging behind – Singapore, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Macau – you name it.

The key to resolve this is to realize choices are always available. Our identity is our own responsibility. We are victims of circumstances only if we allow ourselves to be. As discussed last time, if you feel dissatisfied about something, do something positive and concrete about it, rather than sit there and complain – because THAT in itself is already a choice! If you have chosen not to do anything, you are not even entitled to complain.

The Hong Kong SAR celebrates its 14th anniversary this year. It is like a 14-year-old learning to take up responsibility. As indicated by transiting Saturn opposing Hong Kong’s natal Saturn, the city will see for itself the consequences of the choices made in the last 14 years in September-October this year. Let’s see...

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