Now that November is just beginning, it is time to look back on what happened in September and October - the time when transitting Saturn was opposing Hong Kong's natal Saturn, showing us the results of our choices and performance in the last 14 years.
September and October were very eventful months. Major news included a former TV station news chief giving a fuller account of why a wrong report had been released. There were two judicial reviews of environmental impact assessment and foreign domestic helpers' right of abode, the resignations of two high-ranking public figures and their alleged or confirmed extra-marital affairs.
Last but not least, this two-month period ended with the conclusion of a drawn-out legal battle for a multi-billion dollar estate and the announcement of a university head that he would not extend his contract.
When transitting Saturn made an exact "hard" aspect (i.e. either a square or an opposition) to
Saturn means responsibility and therefore, when transitting Saturn hits our Saturn, it is a time of "accountability". We are presented with the consequences of our choices and actions (including non-actions) since the last time Saturn in the sky made a hard aspect to our own Saturn.
Judging from the range of events that happened in September and October, the people called to account for their past actions were definitely far more varied than in 2004-2005. This was a warning for Hongkongers. We should not just sit there and complain, escape from problems or take shortcuts, otherwise we will be "punished" with negative outcomes when transitting Saturn makes a hard aspect again to our Saturn next time.
Since Saturn takes nearly 30 years to rotate back to a certain point, events happened in September and October were like showing us the results of our "mid-term exam", counting from the time when the Hong Kong SAR first started off 14 years ago. We will be able to see the results of the "final exam" of this 30-year cycle in April 2027 - the time when transitting Saturn returns to the same location when the SAR was born.
Among the many events that happened in the last two months, the judgement of the judicial review of foreign domestic helpers' right of abode was the most controversial. Here we will not discuss the legal arguments or whether foreign domestic helpers should or should not have the right of abode. This policy has been in place for nearly 30 years, meaning that the Saturn of this policy, most likely than not, has also completed its 30-year cycle, and this right of abode case has highlighted a result of this policy.
What are the other results of this policy? Foreign domestic helpers have indirectly contributed to Hong Kong ’s economic growth by helping a large number of women to stay in the labour force even after they have given birth. Many Hong Kong mothers no longer have to give up their jobs to bring up children, unlike their mothers or grandmothers in previous times.
The downside is more subtle, though. The availability of foreign domestic helpers has also indirectly given rise to one or two generations of Hong Kong children who are seen as less responsible, less self-motivating and less mature than the previous generations.
Moreover, because foreign domestic helpers can help taking children to different places after school, many middle-class parents enrol their children in all kinds of tuition or interests classes. Is it really necessary and beneficial for young children to learn all these after school, on top of all the pressure from homework, dictations, tests and exams?
I think these are issues that transitting Saturn has revealed about the policy - but sadly, these are seldom talked about.
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