A most popular (in fact, probably THE most popular) question that astrologers receive from clients is: "When will I meet a new love interest?"
It is traditionally believed that when transitting Jupiter is either conjunct or having a trine to a person's Venus, a new romantic interest could pop up. This is because Jupiter means "expansion", "growth opportunities" and simply "luck"! When it is having an effect on a person’s Venus which stands for the need for love, appreciation and pleasure, it means the person could be having a great time socially, feeling happier and more attractive (I think this is the essential feeling conveyed by the song "I feel pretty") and hence, also perceived to be more attractive by others.
New love interests do not arise only when Jupiter is having a conjunction or trine to Venus. Sometimes even the so-called "hard" aspects, i.e. square or opposition, could indicate a new romantic partner.
But it should be noted that none of these is a "sure sign" of a new romance. Often it could just mean the person is feeling relaxed and pleasant during the period.
But it should be noted that none of these is a "sure sign" of a new romance. Often it could just mean the person is feeling relaxed and pleasant during the period.
Moreover and more importantly, whether an individual could seize on the opportunity, even when a new one comes along, depends entirely on his/her own embedded attitudes. For example, if a person is basically scared of opening himself/herself up to others in intimate relationships, s/he might still find it impossible to initiate or enter any relationship, and even if s/he does, it might not last long.
Other transitting heavy planets like Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto could also indicate new love interests, though the characteristics of the new partner or the relationship could differ.
A new relationship that begins under a transit of Saturn to Venus could mean a considerable age difference (whether mental and/or biological) between the couple and the relationship itself could be relatively stable.
A transit of Uranus to Venus could mean that the new partner or the relationship is very exciting or "unconventional" in some way. For example, the partner could be a foreigner or somebody who does not belong to the individual's usual social circle. Sometimes in extreme cases, the relationship could simply be an extra-marital affair. A relationship that starts under such a transit could also mean it has a sudden beginning and a sudden ending too.
As for a Neptune transit to Venus, it could mean a dream-like, very romantic but maybe illusory relationship. A Pluto transit stands for a relationship that could bring about a profound and transformative change or is characterized by obsession and compulsion.
But I think it is always true that no matter what the new love interest is like, it is always an opportunity to understand ourselves better. May the Year of the Dragon be filled with love and wisdom for us all!
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