The Ascendant, which marks the beginning of the first house, describes the way we approach the world. Opposing the Ascendant direct is the Descendant which marks the start-off point of the seventh house. It indicates how we approach one-to-one relationships.
“One-to-one relationships” include our spouse, boy/girlfriend, business partner, contractual relations and any advisory scenario (e.g. when consulting or acting as a lawyer, doctor, psychotherapist) in which there are only one other person and ourselves. Competitors and even enemies, imagined or otherwise, are also included.
The Ascendant and the Descendant forms an axis in our birth chart. The signs they are in show the two faces of the same coin, and the 12 zodiac signs can be divided into six pairs: Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius and Virgo-Pisces. If your Ascendant is in a sign in a certain pair, then your Descendant will be in the other sign in the same pair.
However, the problem is, we often identify more strongly with one sign than the other, and that is usually our Ascendant sign. That is how problems often arise with our partner, as represented by our Descendant sign. That explains why our partner so often feels like “the complete opposite” to us.
For example, if your Ascendant is in Cancer, you tend to approach the world according to feelings and are keen on building emotional connections with others, but you may feel hurt by your “other half” who just seems to be somewhat cold and unsympathetic (Capricorn).
If your Ascendant sign is in Sagittarius, you tend to approach life according to the “big picture” and you often feel annoyed with your partner who seems to focus on the “nitty-gritty” details only.
The challenge is to acknowledge both and to strike a balance, rather than to identify so strongly with one sign (the Ascendant) that the other side is completely ignored and projected (attributed) to our partner.
For instance, if your Ascendant is in Virgo (and so your Descendant is in Pisces), your challenge is to honour the need to “go with the flow” rather than analyzing everything according to some pre-conceived notion or examining every single detail meticulously.
If you could handle the challenge, you may begin to appreciate more of your partner who used to seem so disorganized to you, or better still, you may realize s/he is not as impractical as you thought! This is because, congratulations, you have at last stopped projecting the Pisces characteristics which you used to ignore in yourself to your partner! And you will begin to appreciate him/her as a person more.
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If you could handle the challenge, you may begin to appreciate more of your partner who used to seem so disorganized to you, or better still, you may realize s/he is not as impractical as you thought! This is because, congratulations, you have at last stopped projecting the Pisces characteristics which you used to ignore in yourself to your partner! And you will begin to appreciate him/her as a person more.
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