The founder and chairman of Apple, Steve Jobs, was famous for his perfectionism and was a super demanding boss. Does his birth chart indicate anything along this line?
Jobs' Ascendant is in Virgo - a "no surprise" for anyone acquainted with a basic knowledge of the 12 zodiac signs, as Virgo is best known exactly for its pickiness and attention to details. His chart ruler, Mercury, which is the ruling planet of Virgo, tells us more about how he sought perfection.
Jobs' Mercury is in Aquarius in the fifth house. This shows he mostly sought perfection in his creative expression, either in his own children or his "brain children" like his creative products.
Aquarius, known for its avant-garde tendency and innovative streak, is very idealistic and insistent on its principles. It often measures the current situation against some pre-conceived ideal about how something "should be". No wonder it usually finds the current situation totally inadequate and needs constant improvement!
Meanwhile, Jobs' Mercury squares Saturn in the third house. This further indicates that he was rather unwilling to follow or accept other people's views. However, anyone having a Mercury-Saturn aspect also has the potential to study hard on his/her own and to eventually develop some unique insights into a certain subject, becoming an authority in his/her chosen field. This is no doubt true in Jobs' case.
Another thing is, his Mercury is trine his Mid-heaven in Gemini which is also ruled by Mercury. This means his intellectual ability and ideas, rather than, say, social network or family support, had facilitated him a great deal in his public image and getting him "a place in the sun" - and certainly he had earned himself a place in history too.
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